Vello Cárcere de Lugo (Old Prison of Lugo)

Interior O Vello Cárcere de Lugo

The Vello Cárcere is a former prison that has been transformed into a public socio-cultural center located in the city of Lugo.

We collaborate with this space with two Residencias Paraíso each year, which take place within the prison cells and the panoptic courtyard of the building.

Alejandra Pombo Su with Toda a carne

Andrea Quintana & Gena Baamonde / VACAburra with Metodoloxías carroñeras para corpos invertidos

Colectivo LAG with Libertad condicionada

Cristina Balboa with Sinte

Estela Lloves with Sempreviva - A raíz da casa

Fernando Epelde with A balada de Clippy. O asistente de Microsoft Word 97

Hermanas Gestring with Hacer amor

Julián Pacomio with Toda la luz del mediodía

Lucas Damiani with Hydra

Miriam Rodríguez & Olga Cameselle with Memorias Danzantes

The 3 H/ostias with H/OSTIAS