
Adriana Reyes, Alejandra Balboa, Alexander de Caires, Ana Beatriz Pérez, Ana López Erdozain, Andrea Mosquera, Ánxela Blanco, Areta Bolado, Berio Molina, Clara Ferrao, Cora Novoa, Cristina Balboa, Cristina Montero, Cristina Romero, Cris Vilariño, Davide González, Diego M. Buceta, Diego Vázquez Meizoso, Edu Valiña, Federico Vladimir, Fernando Epelde, Fran Martínez, Gena Baamonde, Giovanni Peixoto, Helena Salgueiro, Hugo Pires, Irene Cantero, Isabel Sánchez, Janet Novás, Jas Processor, Jose Díaz, Julia Laport, Laura Iturralde, Laura Villanueva, Macarena Montesinos, Manu Lago, Manuel Martín, Marcia Vázquez, María Roja, Marta Alonso, Marta Valverde, Miguel Gendre, Monica Mura, Montse Merino, Montse Piñeiro, Natalia Balseiro, Nuria Sotelo, Pablo Esbert, Paula Pintos, Paula Quintas, Remedios Cuba, Rubén Vilanova, Sabela Domínguez, Sabela Mendoza, Sabela Ramos, Verónica Moar, Vicente Conde.

Since July 2017, Colectivo RPM operates under the structure of a nonprofit organization (A.C. Colectivo RPM), in which the founding and active members Rut Balbís, Alexis Fernández, Félix Fernández, and Caterina Varela form the board of the organization and set the course of action. The organization also includes a broad community of member-friends (socias-amigas) who support and are part of the collective's structure.

Since 2019, various individuals professionally connected to performing arts have become part of the collective through the member-friend (socia-amiga) status. This approach aims to maintain closer contact with the community linked to performing arts and contemporary creation, as well as to create a space where we can come together and collectively reflect on the new challenges that arise in our community.

Key Points of the Member-Friend (Socia-amiga) Status

  • The annual fee for being a member-friend is 12 euros. 
  • Support for the project is publicly shown on our website. 
  • Regular communication is maintained through email channels. 
  • Member-friends have priority access to various organizations activities. 
  • The member-friend status does not prevent participation in different RPM calls for submissions. 

To become a part of Colectivo RPM, fill in the following form. Thank you very much!