Pazo da Cultura de Carballo

Pazo da Cultura de Carballo

The Pazo da Cultura de Carballo is a municipal building, inaugurated in 2002. The facility hosts cultural activities in its various spaces.

Our collaboration with Residencias Paraíso takes place in a versatile room with natural light and is open to the public at FIOT (International Autumn Theater Festival).

Alberto Cortés with Mano Dura

Clara Pampyn / La Imperfecta with Laboratorio Las bailarinas no tocan el cielo

Clara Pampyn / La Imperfecta with Las bailarinas no tocan el cielo

Cris Vilariño with Mano Dura

Diego Anido with O inevitable

José Ramón Hernández / Osikán - vivero de creación with Eyilá ashé ebbora - archivo vivo de la resistencia

Marta Valverde with 30’ 60 70’ 120

Natalia Fernandes with ¿Podemos hablar de Caetano?